Put out a mosquito trap and work in a mosquito- and midge-free environment
Mosquito catchers for Construction and engineering site
Working undisturbed without mosquitoes and gnats is a dream for many. It is best to place a mosquito trap before a big job is started. In this way, the population is reduced when construction is to begin and it becomes comfortable to be able to carry out your work.
Products for construction sites and corporations
Midge, Gnats & Mosquito trap - Predator Dynamic
Predator Dynamic mosquito hunter with scent that attracts Gnats, Midges & Mosquitoes. A mosquito trap that reduces the mosquitos, gnats and midges
Rating: 5 of Based on 4 ratings.9 717 kr / pc.Free shipping- Stock status
- In stock
SkeeterVac SV-3501
SkeeterVac SV-3501 Mosquito and midge exterminator
6 939 kr / pc.Not available- Stock status
- No longer for sale
Thermacell MR450 Armored Portable Mosquito Repeller
Thermacell MR450 with a smart zone indicator that shows you when the mosquito protection is optimal. Belt clip which makes it easy to carry.
594 kr / pc.- Stock status
- In stock
Smidge Insect Repellent
Smidge provides effective protection against mosquitoes, midges and other biting insects for up to 8 hours.
Rating: 5 of Based on 3 ratings.148 kr / pc.- Stock status
- In stock
Bushman Insect Repeller Spray
Bushman Spray is a great insect repellent that comes from Australia. Protects against mosquitoes, cormorants, ticks and other biting insects.
Rating: 5 of Based on 2 ratings.148 kr / pc.- Stock status
- In stock